“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.” -Karen Ravn
I love reading quotes. A quote such as this one carries so much meaning; to me, it can truly inspire. And, as the quote my class chose to display on our graduation announcements this year, this quote will always hold a special place in my heart. Therefore, I decided to use some of its moving words to help me introduce myself!
Gardening and working in my school’s greenhouse make up one of my Supervised Agricultural Experience programs. The other involves my job at Pet Life by Roberts, a local pet store.
Random facts interest me. Did you know, according to Snapple’s Real Facts, a goldfish’s attention span is three seconds?
One of my favorite things to do during my downtime is to read. In fact, I’ve read the Harry Potter series way too many times!
While I do not like any other kind of pop, I could drink cherry limeade every day.
Growing up as an animal-lover, my family’s house has been the home to many pets, from cats and dogs to sheep and horses.
Oddly enough, although my dad has been a pilot for most of my life, I am not a fan of flying in airplanes.
Sunshine or rain, I enjoy being outdoors.
Everything can be complimented by two embellishments as far as I am concerned: camouflage and rhinestones!
Excited to officially become a student at Kansas State University this fall, I will be majoring in Animal Sciences and Industry and focusing on Pre-Veterinary Medicine.
Developing a speech for the Prepared Public Speaking Career Development Event has always been one of my favorite CDE experiences.
Radios in my car or home will always be turned to country music! What are some of my favorites? Lady Antebellum, Rascal Flatts, and Garth Brooks!

Ell-Saline FFA is my home chapter!
As a sister to one brother, family is very important to me.
Most of all, I have a strong passion for FFA, agricultural education, and the industry of agriculture!
Now, as I said, I love quotes such as this one because the words can truly inspire. Taking a look at the meaning of these words, I realize that life presents us with countless opportunities to better ourselves in some way each and every day. All we have to do is choose to accept those opportunities and continue to seek more. The potential to which we choose to achieve is entirely up to us! How incredible is that? It is up to us!
Therefore, how high will you reach to set your goals? How far will you seek to strive to achieve your potential? How deep will you look to discover what your ambitions are? Finally, how much will you dream?