This past week I have been enjoying the
very unusual, sunny, 55-degree days of January by spending much of my time
outdoors. One day an old classmate and I decided to go on an adventure (a.k.a a
walk) and what better place to begin than out at a Lake only 8 miles away from
my house. I had honestly never been to the lake in the wintertime and I didn’t
quite know what to expect.
As soon as we got there and began
hiking along the trail my friend and I were shocked by the stunning view. Thick
layers of ice floated across lake, the water was clear and blue, and the sand was perfect for doodling on. We asked ourselves “Why haven’t we ever done this before?!” We’ve
lived here all of our lives and yet we have never visited the lake in the winter and have been missing out on this little paradise. Even during the summer I don't make it out to the lake as often as I should. Some people will travel miles every summer to come and visit our lake, and
yet I never take advantage of that fact that I live so close. I have never
truly appreciated what my community has to offer.
I always used to think that I would
have to travel far away to other states and even to other countries to see and
experience something amazing. What I didn’t realize was that what I had wanted
has been sitting right in front of me all along. Tons of opportunities
have been available to me right here in my own hometown, yet many times I
ignored these chances and went out looking for something better, something more.
Take the time today to think about some of the simple things in life we forget to appreciate. Like our friends and family, the opportunities we have, and all that we have been given. Say an extra thank you to a sibling that helped us out with chores, spend more time talking with a close friend we haven’t seen much of lately, or even just sit back and enjoy the view of a sunrise on the horizon. I was able to find a new appreciation for what I have been given, a perfect spot for hiking out at the lake, and was able to reconnect with an old friend.
What will you find close to home?