The other day it hit me… Right smack dab in the face—my time
serving Kansas FFA members is over halfway done. I’m on the downhill slope, if you will. My time in the blue jacket is almost over.

Many of you may also find yourselves on the downhill slope.
With the end of the school year coming, it’s pretty easy to
find ourselves in a rut. All we want is
to not have to go to class, be done studying, and for summer to arrive. It’s easy to do the bare minimum, scrape
by. I mean, we’ve been working hard
since August. My challenge: work even
harder until May—in FFA and in school. Finish
your homework before you arrive in the class that it’s due, do that extra
credit assignment that the teacher offered in the class you have a borderline
grade in, practice your reasons sets, finish up this year’s record book. Face this semester with an uphill
This time last year, I was struggling with a bad case of
senioritis. I was ready to be done with
high school and off to college, ready for the real world. For my seniors out there feeling the same
way, my challenge: slow down, enjoy every moment. Although it sounds cliché, you only get to do
it once. Face your final semester in
high school with an uphill attitude, even though you really are on the downhill
slope. Work harder in class than you
ever have before, try even harder in the CDE’s you have left, and take in every
experience that you can while you’re still wearing the blue jacket.
When you find yourself chomping at the bit to get out of the
small-town that you’ve called home for the last 18 or so years, my challenge:
slow down, enjoy every moment. When your
mom’s nagging you to pick up your room, put away your laundry, or just sit down
to talk with her—enjoy the moment. When
your dad says it’s your turn to do the chores or unload hay or build fence or just ‘get up and do something, by golly’—enjoy every moment. When you’re fighting with your siblings over
whose turn it is to wash the dishes, help your parents, or honestly just
fighting in general—enjoy every moment.

If we look at life like we’re on the downhill slope, it will
all pass us by. I am just as guilty as
anyone of getting caught up in the moment—getting caught up in just getting
done. But life passes by way too
fast. We should wake up everyday and ask
ourselves how we can make a difference.
We should wake up everyday and challenge ourselves to savor every
Kansas FFA, have an uphill attitude!