One of the aspects of the season of spring that I like the most is the feeling that comes with those days in which the sun really shines. I don’t know about you, but I just cannot help but be happy on that kind of day.
With all of the sunshine lately, my thoughts keep flooding back to a little less than a year ago, when my senior class boarded a plane bound for Orlando for our senior trip before graduation. This trip was the cause of the epitome of sunshine-derived happiness. I spent almost a week with my family of classmates. At Universal Studios, we rode countless roller coasters and other rides, and even toured Hogwarts at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (Okay, so maybe there wasn’t a lot of sunshine in the castle, but it was a major cause of excitement and joy nonetheless)! At Sea World, we watched whale and dolphin shows and rode even more roller coasters. Then, we spent a day by the ocean. It was sunny every single day, and we returned home sunburnt, relaxed, and full of smiles and laughs.
Thinking back to that week made me think that the sunshine really has a way of giving us a positive attitude, doesn’t it? For example, one day last week, I had an exam in class that I was really nervous about taking. I am rather ashamed to say that normally, I probably would have been the definition of grumpy until that test was over. However, that sun was shining. For some reason, I just couldn’t help but feel as if I were having the absolute best day, just because the world around me was, well, happy.
Now, to me, that’s just silly! Why in the world should I be relying on the sun outside my window to tell me whether I would enjoy my day? If that sun had not been streaming through the windows, would my attitude have been so negative just because of an exam that I would have caused others to look at their day as gloomy as well? On senior trip, would my class have still had fun if the sun was behind the clouds all week, and even if we hadn’t had the opportunity to ride a bunch of roller coasters? Of course we would have, because we still would have spent the week with our fellow classmates who were our best friends all through high school.

For those of us who are Harry Potter fans, remember when Professor Dumbledore said, “Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light?” Whether we are actually going through a rough time or whether it is just a normal day, think about how true this is. We do not have to rely on the weather to be happy; we can just add a little sunshine into our day ourselves.
Thinking about it, I know that for me, calling home to my family, taking a fifteen-minute break to run to Sonic with a couple of friends, checking off my to-do list something that I wanted to complete, Skyping with friends who do not live nearby, or going for a quick run around campus can be all the sunshine I need to make my day feel great.
Think about those things that just never seem to fail to bring a smile to your face. Maybe it’s spending time with your family or friends. Maybe it’s going for a ride on your horse or going for a run. Maybe it’s sitting down to read a good book. Whatever it is, it can be the cause of sunshine on a cloudy day.
Next time you’re feeling a little bit of gloom, don’t let it get to you! Catch a little bit of that spring fever and just add a little sunshine!
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