It seems that every time that I have my blog post about half
way written, I hit a ‘writer’s block.’ I
sit down time after time, and the words just don’t seem to come. But, then I have an experience that inspires
me to write something a little bit different, and the words just seem to flow.

This lady
oozed passion. She obviously loved what
she was doing, and, in turn, everyone around her loved what they were doing
too. Whether it was talking to the
audience between songs, singing along with her group, or clapping
enthusiastically for her student conductors, her excitement for her work was
contagious. Her choir, her student
conductors, the audience… we all caught the ‘enthusiasm bug.’ This choir director LOVES what she does.
It was
then, in the middle of that concert, that I realized I wanted to be just like
her. No, I don’t mean that music or
choir is my calling. (I can’t carry a
tune in a ten gallon bucket.) But, I
want to be so excited about what I’m doing that everyone around me can’t help
but be excited as well. I want to love
what I do.

My hope is
that we can all find something to do that we love. Our lives are happening NOW, and the time
will pass by whether we want it to or not.
Would we rather live our lives quietly in the background, or spreading
excitement and passion like the K-State choir director? Don’t be afraid to try something new—our
organization has so many opportunities to get outside of our comfort zone. We never know when we might just find that one
thing that we LOVE to do.
Kansas FFA, love what you do!
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